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Thank you & campaign follow-up  (book crowdfunding update)

Thank you & campaign follow-up (book crowdfunding update)

Dear backers and campaign followers, I want to say a huge THANKS to all of you! The campaign has reached...

Wind Turbine Construction Workshop @ Glücksburg (DE) 2017 – Review

For the third time we organized a hands-on wind turbine construction course at Artefact Glücksburg, again for american students of the DIS exchange program.

Wind Turbine Workshop 2017 Review

A small wind turbine built with students of the University of Luxemburg - Hands On and from scratch

21. – 25. Mai: Kleinwindrad Selbstbau-Workshop @ Klimacamp Österreich

Lerne ein Kleinwindrad selbst zu bauen. In Handarbeit und aus einfachen Materialien. Du erlernst handwerkliche Fertigkeiten und erhältst einen Einblick in nachhaltige, lokal gebaute Kleinwindkraft-Systeme.

Wind turbine course in Chile with 500RPM

I was part of a project in Chilean Patagonia in December 2016. A wind turbine was built with locals and then installed...

Glücksburg wind turbine course 2016

This was the second wind turbine course at artefact Glücksburg. 10 students from the USA were doing the DIS wind power...

Course with Jay of Ti’Eole in France 2016

An international group of 22 Students from the TU Delft (Netherlands) came to the north of France to learn about...

Poland wind turbine project 2016

Supervising an academic project was kind of new to me when Lukasz from Poland asked if I would come around and help him build a wind turbine for his Bachelor’s thesis. Of course, I accepted the invitation and we built a 2F Piggott wind turbine together. I even had time to visit the city of Wroclaw.

Bicycle generator project Freiraumschule Kritzendorf

We attached an old car alternator to a bicycle on a fixed stand. By cycling, electricity is produced. An interesting...

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