
5 DIY wind turbine projects to remember in 2023

2023 was a busy year at PureSelfMade. I led over 12 Wind Turbine Hands-On Workshop and some smaller projects this year. Here I cover some projects in retrospective.

Wind Turbine Workshop 2017 Review

A small wind turbine built with students of the University of Luxemburg - Hands On and from scratch

21. – 25. Mai: Kleinwindrad Selbstbau-Workshop @ Klimacamp Österreich

Lerne ein Kleinwindrad selbst zu bauen. In Handarbeit und aus einfachen Materialien. Du erlernst handwerkliche Fertigkeiten und erhältst einen Einblick in nachhaltige, lokal gebaute Kleinwindkraft-Systeme.

Luxembourg wind turbine group

Luxembourg wind turbine course 2016 – reviewing a great time

Jonathan from PureSelfMade went on a trip to Luxembourg in March 2016. Project Windmobile, a Wind Empowerment member organization based in Luxembourg has celebrated its 10th Birthday. They pulled off a truly great event, including a conference a DIY wind turbine building course which has been led by Jonathan, together with Luiz Lavado Villa.


WindEmpowerment global conference 2014 in Athens

PureSelfmade has been a part of the WindEmpowerment global conference 2014 in Athens, and is now officially a part of the WindEmpowerment network.

PureSelfmade on Facebook

PureSelfmade on Facebook

Become a friend of the brand new Pure Selfmade Facebook page! Jonathan’s Page: Give me a like and share...

Wind turbine building course in September

I will teach another hands-on wind turbine building course from September 6th to 10th. The course location is in my hometown St. Pölten in Austria....

PureSelfMade @ Sonnenparkfest St. Pölten

PureSelfMade @ Sonnenparkfest St. Pölten

I had e very nice day yesterday, promoting my PureSelfMade projects at the Sonnenparkfest in my hometown St. Pölten. Many people were...

Info-Abend & Vortrag

Info-Abend & Vortrag

Ich werde einen Vortrag über Do-It-Yourself-Kleinwindkraft geben, Fotos herzeigen und Fragen beantworten.

Windrad-Selbstbauworkshops 2014

Windrad-Selbstbauworkshops 2014

Windrad- Selbstbauworkshop 1. bis 6. August Lernwerkstatt Pottenbrunn, Niederösterreich (Nähe St. Pölten) Mehr information zu meinen Workshops findest du hier. ­...

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