Wind turbine building course in September
I will teach another hands-on wind turbine building course from September 6th to 10th. The course location is in my hometown St. Pölten in Austria....
I will teach another hands-on wind turbine building course from September 6th to 10th. The course location is in my hometown St. Pölten in Austria....
I had e very nice day yesterday, promoting my PureSelfMade projects at the Sonnenparkfest in my hometown St. Pölten. Many people were...
Ich werde einen Vortrag über Do-It-Yourself-Kleinwindkraft geben, Fotos herzeigen und Fragen beantworten.
Windrad- Selbstbauworkshop 1. bis 6. August Lernwerkstatt Pottenbrunn, Niederösterreich (Nähe St. Pölten) Mehr information zu meinen Workshops findest du hier. ...
That was the first time I ever went to Scoraig! I made a video about the wind turbine workshop with...
Nachtrag 2016: Diese beiden Artikel stammen aus einer Zeit, in der ich gerade begonnen habe mit verschiedenen Ideen richtig Gas...
In 2012, I was building my first axial flux wind turbine alternator. I developed some ideas for coil winding an made this video. Some ideas from it have already been used by a large community!
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